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The hands that drew the wolf fucking Little Red Riding Hood did so with the loving touch of a true master of their craft. Overall, the work is fairly polished, with few examples of really shitty garbage. While most of the comics on XlecX were clearly inspired by manga, you’ll see a variety of other art styles represented. You get so used to seeing big-eyed schoolgirls getting railed that it becomes surprising to see a CG fairy getting her butthole filled with multiple monster cocks. Read Comics and Jerk Your Double DickĪ lot of porno comic sites focus on hentai these days. Get ready for evil nuns masturbating, superheroes getting raped by monsters, and truly horrible things happening to your old friend Pikachu. This is a den of vile perversion in comic book format. XcartX.Ī quick look at the front page of tells you exactly what you’re getting into. And then you’ve got the kind of deviates who stroke off to sites like XlecX, a.k.a. Many want amateur hotties getting naked and more than a few want to watch incest flicks. Other folks come looking for movies of women polishing knobs of flesh with their mouths. Some people visit The Dude porno because they’re searching for the very best in lesbian smut.

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