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The 17-year-old was said to have filmed the incident on his phone and uploaded it to Snapchat, where a group of boys can all be heard 'jeering and encouraging the sexual abuse', the court heard. The two other teenagers convicted of the same charges were said to have played lesser roles in the incident, which happened in September 2018, but were charged on a 'joint enterprise' basis.

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It was said he has removed himself from gang life and peer pressure by moving into new accommodation away from his home. He admitted two counts of robbery and two counts of causing someone to carry out sex acts without consent, while a 17-year-old admitted the same charges on the first day of trial and another 16-year-old was convicted after a trial.Īt a sentencing hearing today, a judge told the youth with the knife that he had come 'very close' to being jailed, but was saved by comments from his mother and a youth worker who said he had 'turned his life around'.

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The mugger, who was 14 at the time of the attack and is now 16, then ordered the victims to take off their trousers and perform sex acts on each other, before asking them: 'Which one of you wants to die first?' Three boys who robbed two teenagers and forced them to carry out sex acts on each other at knifepoint have all avoided jail.īoth victims, then 16, were shown a knife in one of the boys' waistband and told by him: 'If you do anything, you are going to get it'.

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